Greetings and how are you today?
I am wonderfully blessed, thankful, happy and loved. To my husband of nine years Happy Anniversary. "I don't pretend to know what love is for everyone, but I can tell you what it is for me; love is knowing all about someone, and still wanting to be with them more than any other person, love is trusting them enough to tell them everything about yourself, including the things you might be ashamed of, love is feeling comfortable and safe with someone, but still getting weak knees when they walk into a room and smile at you.”
Did you see history made last evening? If not I am sorry you missed it Jamaican Usain Bolt wins 200 meter sprint By the way Happy Birthday Usain. Even though I am not Jamaican I feel the pride for him and his people. Congratulations
Sincere condolences to my Dear Friend whom I wrote about in this post Metro Customer Service. She has since lost the baby and was forced to deal with another grim realty in the effort to become a mother. Having walked in those shoes; I am thankful that I had the strength and courage to be there for her. So to my DF I say weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. So keep smiling my friend and take comfort in knowing that the Lord will restore the years the locust has stolen from you.
To the people who planned the Guyanese food celebration; shame on you. Shame on you for not making sure I would be in town before setting the date. It appears that there is conspiracy for me not to be able to show off our skills. But I relish the fact that our people were able to come and have so much fun, excitement and contentment in celebrating. Not just celebrating but celebrating our culture and most of all the foods. My friend at Taste Like Home would have truly enjoyed such an affair. The menu included many of the favorites from most of our six races. To feast your eyes on the feast they had please check Cynthia’s page and enjoy. To all the people who visited, it was my pleasure to be sharing in the fun and just plain catching up with you. Please be sure to check next time for my post about my trip to
Take care and stay well,
Awwww...Del, you are the BEST!!! And Happy Anniversary love :-)
On another note...it is with a sad heart that I send my condolences to your friend. News like that is never comprehendable. I read the post on the Metro, so it's sad to see things turn out that way. But, rest assured she has a perfect confidant in you, my dear Del.
Hi Del, how are you hon? Happy Anniversary (never mind I'm late)
What is this I hear? The Guyanese planned a food get-together and you were not in town?! Shame on them! Conspiracy I say. I am sure I would have enjoyed it.
Thanks for the plug and continued support, it is truly and sincerely appreciated.
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