How are you today? I at home relaxing thanks to the many people who chose to serve their people and country. The formal definition for this day is to honor military veterans, however I would like to extend that further to those people who served and fought for their people in a different way. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think that the people who fought and allow people president elect Obama to be is this capacity today deserves to be considered as official veterans. Does it count; there are many families who have lost several relatives in the war so does my point make any sense.
Despite your views I wish to consider them as my veterans as well and to say thanks. Thank you to the many, who has fought, bled and died so that we might our freedom, I say thank you. A special thanks to my friend Nigel who is currently doing a15months tour in Iraq. Also to my friends and relatives have done their tour and remain on reserve, I say thank you. On that note, do you know any one who has experienced post war adversities? The worst I know is of a friend who lost her marriage after her husband returned from the war. Please let me know in what other ways have the wars affected you and yours. God bless and keep all those who continue to serve.
Talking about people how do you deal with someone who is connected but yet not connected if that makes sense? I have a friend who for the life of her cannot get her act together or as her hubby puts it clean up her mess. While being technologically savvy you can never get a hold of her sometimes for hours. Please tell me what suggestions I can make to her or her husband. Here is a scenario, I was leaving work and said to her on the IM am leaving the office, she respond already so I called her on her office phone and told her that I’ll be there to get her so that we can go home together. I arrived at her building at 03:50 called her desk and cell and received her voicemail. With persistence I finally got her at 04:05. Long story short I never picked up the woman until 04:20 and her excuse was, “I do not know where my cell phone is.” Whhhhhhhat, a mother to two who are in daycare and a husband out at work and you do not know where the cell phone is, great. By the way, is that the cell phone that you replaced just two weeks ago, maybe I am tripping but that does not sound cool to me?
As I dropped her off and she said when get home and as soon as I find my phone I’ll call you. Well I waited until 9 and still no call so I did the honor. Helllllllllo, oh hi I am sorry I can in and just got taking care of the kids, bla, bla, bla and then she said I would call you back. Oh, no need to, no I definitely will call you. I am so glad that I did not wait for that call because it’s 10:50 AM and I am still waiting. Please, please, tell me how I should deal with her. Love her to death, but boy oh boy this one kills me and her husband says to her, “you’re a mess.” I do not want to say all of that. So, take care and stay well until next time, Del.